"In all living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed not just endured."
Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No more Monkey's jumpen on the bed...

Our first broken bone. Katelyn was putting a pillow away in the guest room. I have told them over and over again that room is off limits and they just don't listen. She said she was on the bed putting the pillow away when her feet got tangled up in the blanket and fell into the corner if the dresser. She came down the stairs crying. Matt said her heard the fall from his workshop. She was crying pretty hard and just wanted her daddy. Good thing he was home. He held her a bit then looked at the damage. We decided to take her into urgent care to have her nose looked at because it looked broken. Off to Urgent care we went. Good thing we I took her because she broke her nose. The doctor said there was really nothing they could do that night. But, they will have the specialist call me in a few days to set up an appointment to have her nose looked at when the swelling goes down. Hopefully it will be able to heal on it's own. Her nose is a bit stuffed from the swelling but he said thing could have shifted and they may have to go in and fix that??? Fingers crossed that is not the case. She was a trouper. Hardly cried and let the Doctor do what he needed to check her out. She woke up this morning not able to open her eye and she thought that was pretty funny. She liked waking her brothers up to show them her battle scar. Her are some pictures of our cute little girl.
***Pictures from last night***

Her sad face. She was smiling when I got ready to take this picture. I had to tell her to give me a sad face. Pretty good.

Now her smile. So sweet even with a black eye.

She was happy to get the ice pack. Her face hurt really bad unless she had something cold on it.
***Pictures from the next morning***
It is not as black and blue. I thought it would have been worse. But she could not open her eye.

I had Memorial weekend pictures that I wanted to post but they will have to wait I thought everyone would like to see these pictures first.


Chiemi said...

Ohhh that poor baby!! It makes me want to cry. I hope it heals fast!

Katie and Mark said...

That is sad. Poor thing! Kids are so young and strong so hopefully it really does heal on its own.

Unknown said...

Poor girl! I hope it heals all on its own and they won't have to fix it.

Jason and Candace said...

I think its funny.....I mean I am glad shes ok but its so your kids that would happen to. I just wouldn't have expected it to be your little girl 1st!! lol!!!

Tiffany J said...

SO sad! That poor thing! Looks like it hurts so bad!! Hope it heals on its own so they don't have to "go in" at all!!